Profile photo of Bernardo Donadio

Bernardo Donadio

Infrastructure specialist, IT automation engineer and 3D printing enthusiast.


  1. DevXperience: quando a baleia azul encalha

    Fiz uma talk no DevXperience 2017 sobre os eternos bugs do Docker. Dê uma olhada! …

    • by bcdonadio

  2. Writing a CV for an IT position

    Here’s a quick list of Dos and Don’ts when writing resumés for an IT position. …

    • by bcdonadio

  3. Send Pocket articles to your Kindle

    My Kindle was normally underutilized until I found this great freemium service. If you have a Kindle, you must read this! …

    • by bcdonadio

  4. Redismoke: a Redis replication smoke test

    I’ve written a small utility to smoke test a Redis replication set. It’s a simple Python script that should be run as a daemon to test if writes to a Redis master are being correctly replicated to the slaves. …

    • by bcdonadio

  5. Authentication in the cloud

    Authentication is hard. How to deal with it in a sane way in a cloud environment? There are two approaches to follow, each with its up and downsides, but which one is the best for your environment? …

    • by bcdonadio